Synchronize Your
Community Today
A community experience that meets your members where they want to engage
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One community. Multiple user experiences. All Synchronized.

Your users can interact with each other, regardless of their preferred community experience.
Extend Your Community with Email

Members can post to your community and reply to messages simply by sending an email.

With customizable email preferences, members can receive email digests on a daily, weekly or real-time basis.

Extend Your Community with Slack

Members can read, reply and react to all community posts natively in Slack.

Members can use Slack's DM functionality and interact with Synchronize's Slack Apps which allow users to search the full community post history and provides a searchable member directory, all native in Slack.

Extend Your Community with Circle

Members can engage online with a fully-featured community platform.

Synchronize's native Circle integration provides you all the functionality you want to host online events, organize content and more.

We've got the answers for your questions

Do I need an existing community to use Synchronize?

Not at all!  We offer white-glove onboarding and can help out whether you have a thriving community that you need to transition to Synchronize or you're starting from scratch and need help getting your community off the ground.

I already have an online community, is it hard to migrate to Synchronize?

We’ve migrated many communities for a range of platforms such as Google Groups and Mobilize to Synchronize - it can take anywhere from a few days up to a few weeks depending on the member history and content complexity for your migration.

How does Synchronize work with Circle?

Synchronize is built as a native add-on for Circle and can extend your Circle community in just a few hours. If you already have a thriving community on Circle and want to drive more engagement, reach out to learn more.

Do community members need to login to an online platform to engage with my community on Synchronize?

Nope! Unlike most community platforms, Synchronize removes the need for your members to login to yet another platform. Since Synchronize meets your members where they already are they never need to login to another platform to engage with your community if they don't want to. Once a member is added to your community they will immediately be able to start engaging through email and can easily active their accounts through their existing logins to connect on Slack or an online community platform.

Not all of my members like Slack, is that required?

Slack is just one add-on module that Synchronize offers - and it’s an optional part of your community member’s experience. For members that don’t use Slack, they can engage with your community by email and online without ever needing to interact with Slack.

Powerful Integrations to Synchronize Your Community

Running your community is hard enough. We bring you the integrations you’ve always wanted without any complicated zap or coding needed. We synchronize your world so you can go back to building a powerful community.
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